Manuscript must be submitted along with an Author Form signed by all the authors. Signed and scanned Author From then should be uploaded as a Supplementary File in your submission.

We suggest you to use the following checklists before submit your article. Kindly choose the checklist that appropriate for your study:

  1. CONSORT 2010 Checklist: randomized trial
  2. PRISMA 2009 Checklist: systematic reviews & meta-analysis
  3. STROBE Checklist: cohort, case control, and cross-sectional study
  4. CARE 2016 Checklist: case report
  5. STARD 2015 Checklist: diagnostic & prognosis




    Dear Authors,

    Since 2016, Paediatrica Indonesiana has been committed to being an open-access publication in pediatrics and perinatal medicine. We are constantly striving to provide relevant articles in the field at no cost to the reader.

    Up to now, we have tried to keep Paediatrica Indonesiana free for authors as well. All members of our Editorial Board are volunteers. However, as our journal receives an increasing number of submissions, the cost of reviewing, editing, and publishing, as well as maintaining our ever-growing online archives of past issues, are constantly rising. In order to keep our publication free to the reader, we therefore humbly need to ask our authors for a modest contribution towards our manuscript processing and publication costs.

    Starting with manuscripts submitted on March 1, 2024, the following fees will take effect:

    • Article submission fee: IDR 100,000 (approx. USD 6.70) upon submission.
    • Article processing fee: IDR 3,000,000 (approx. USD 200) if accepted.

    For further details, please refer to the Author Guidelines.

    Thank you for your support for Paediatrica Indonesiana, a journal of the Indonesian Pediatric Society.